Q and A

clouds sunset

Exploring Areas of Personal Growth And Healing

The spiritual path is the inner way of mystic tradition—our teacher lies within. When we’re looking for guidance or truth, that is the most direct path. But guidance can also come from outside sources. Before accepting any advice as true for ourselves we first need to develop discernment, that inner sense of confirmation to what we hear or read. It’s that same sense of confirmation that comes when we perceive things directly from the inside. Whenever an outside perspective isn’t validated from the inside we put it aside. It’s not for us. In that spirit, any perspective I give is simply the way I see it.

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Everything Responds to Loving Energy

QUESTION: May I ask if Hypnotherapy can apply to pets?

CHERYL: Once you gain rapport with an animal, communication becomes telepathic, which could be called hypnotic. The feelings or meaning you project are perceived. Projecting affectionate energy elicits responses in kind with animals and nature of all kinds. Actually, any animal is capable of hypnotic rapport. It’s especially easy to connect with cats and dogs, although the communication is somewhat different. 

Silent communication can go from you to a cat and will come back to you as rapport deepens. Cats will respond almost immediately if they feel safe. They can also respond to words. Begin by looking at them calmly and with affection, eye to eye. Then slowly open and close your eyes. Think what you want to convey to them and they pick it up quickly. They also respond to soft loving words. Some cats can be trained or “hypnotized” to do tricks or respond to what you ask for but only if they want to. They may be sensitive to your approval or disapproval and respond, or shrug their little shoulders and walk away or decide it’s a good time to clean themselves. They can seem like independent mischievous little angels.

Dogs develop dog to human communication through watching and listening to you. They are very sensitive to states of mind, deeply connecting with emotions. They read their people well. If you are displeased they will feel it, if you are affectionate they will feel it. They respond more as children might respond, and some mature as children do, becoming leaders even. They might guard and supervise human children, knowing when they are in danger. They may protect their loved ones or tend to wild or domestic critters that need help. Some are capable of being trained to do amazing feats and hold important positions in life. They may enter altered (hypnotic) states with acute awareness – focused solely on a particular action or task at hand.

Hypnotic states may be seen as connection to source energy, and in the case of humans, consciously entering a deeper state of awareness. Nature has its own natural energetic state. Everything responds to energy and that can be considered hypnotic. Give a plant consistent loving appreciation, water and kind words and watch it flourish. Hug a tree. Greet the birds, critters and life around you (people) with affection and joy and watch how they are hypnotized by that inner communication.

All Effort is Well Spent

QUESTION: I sent you an article that has been in the making for about two years. It’s finally ready or almost ready to go to press. I hope you get a chance to read it and let me know what you think. What are your thoughts regarding finally finding a researcher, to medical doctors and a PhD to collaborate on this article to submit to medical journals as a single case design? It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time.

CHERYL: Your personal journey included remaining diligent in your medical follow-ups and continuing documentation through the resolution of the cancer. On some level you were preparing to present this record, and where better than a case study of non-conventional recovery for a medical journal. You mentioned that this is something you’ve been wanting for a long time. I would say it’s something you prepared for from the beginning. The outcome, whether or not it gets published, is secondary to acting on what you are called on to do from that inner knowing. It will enlighten and benefit many along the way. Non-attachment to outcome is part of the miracle of living an authentic life – the result often beyond what we could imagine or expect. All effort is well spent.

RESPONSE: Your words went straight to my heart. I can feel it expanding and I remember once again. Thank you for giving me the freedom today to follow my heart without expectations. I know this, that’s how I survived, I just needed a reminder to generalize this into my current life’s Situation around re-creating just about everything. What a gift. 

Questions can be sent to “Ask Cheryl” at cherylcan@aol.com