Balance and Peace of Mind

QUESTION: I practice a holistic lifestyle but cannot obtain a peaceful existence. I do not seem to have the discipline. I have tried, using books, videos, tapes without success. I have tried TM, Chi Kung, but do not stick with it. There are times that I cannot sleep all night, or wake up when I plan the simplest thing for the next day or have done something the day before. I now have a physical problem (not dire as I have had) but everything seems to overwhelm me. I do feel that this is not healthy for me, but I am at a loss. I am 75 and a widow.

CHERYL: Balance is essential in our lives for health and peace of mind. When we are out of balance in any area – physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual, that imbalance affects the whole. Physical problems can be messages from the body, letting us know that we are out of balance. Treating the physical condition is often the first line of treatment in order to get symptoms under control and stabilize the body. Good nutrition and life style habits boost the immune system, our body’s innate healing system. But we need to address the other issues as well. When we heal the psychological, emotional or spiritual issues that we carry around in life, healing of the physical body often follows. Even when physical disabilities are permanent we can learn to deal with them from a place of acceptance and peace.

The first thing to do when desiring to make a change in life is to determine exactly what your intentions are: What is it that you want to accomplish here? In this case, one answer might be to obtain peace of mind so that you can get restful sleep. The next step is to determine what steps are necessary to reach that goal – eliminating things you know are not good for you in the long term and adding those that would be beneficial. When it comes to our health and well-being, we need to make life and health enhancing choices and act on them.

Journaling can be an empowering practice in the process described above. It can be used to write out a specific statement of intention and the steps necessary to obtain your goal. Writing your thoughts down can also make you more aware of any thoughts that are disempowering. When you recognize a thought as disempowering you change it to an empowering thought. Awareness is the first step in change. We can’t change what we don’t acknowledge. We might recognize the inner saboteur. For example, “I knew I wouldn’t stick with that program!” and change that to “I can do this and I will!” It’s a choice we’re making with our life decision to heal. Our thoughts and words are powerful. We manifest what we focus on.

Looking specifically at the goal of obtaining a peaceful existence, you might ask yourself: What is it that is blocking my peace? It might be difficult at first but stick with it. Keep asking questions. Do you have a good support system? Family or friends that you get together with regularly? A group that you’ve been considering joining? Do you ponder or dwell on negative thoughts? Once you get the flow going you may get many answers. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Determine what steps you can take to remove the blocks or to initiate some action that will begin to move you in the right direction.

Looking at getting more consistent restful sleep, what are your habits around bedtime? Nighttime is not the time to listen to news, watch disturbing or distressing programs or to mull over worry thoughts. Bad news or worry thoughts get stuck in the subconscious mind, draining our energy and disturbing our sleep. Worry is usually a mulling over of things from the past that we can’t change or things in the future that may never happen. Concern, on the other hand, motivates us to take some action in the present that may bring about a solution or resolution. We can release our concerns into higher hands when we go to sleep at night. We may even wake up to inspirations in the morning that we can then put into action.

Routine is very helpful in setting good habits – going to bed at the same time each night, making a routine that includes things like a warm bath, listening to inspiring music or reading something uplifting. Find out what supports you in getting to a restful state of mind before settling down to sleep and set up a routine to include them. Discipline comes from making good life choices and acting on them. We do certain things every day that become a regular pattern. A regular pattern becomes habit and habits become automatic actions.

Guidelines for a happy and healthy life include inspirational things that lift us up - they might include music or inspirational words or the beauty of nature; good living habits – regular exercise, sunshine, fresh air, food that nourishes the body, plenty of rest, and good thoughts; a path of service – something we do for others without receiving something in return; and time spent alone each day in meditation or receptive silence. The most powerful and healing energy on earth is compassion, for ourselves and everything around us. What we focus on tends to increase so it’s important to focus on positive things. As we heal ourselves, we help to heal the world.

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