These are Challenging Times

QUESTION: Dear Cheryl,
It is so good to be reminded of Peace’s values and teachings. They are the light to cling to during these dark times. In my readings I came across the words Faith and Trust many times, and I try to live according to these truths. Truth and Love will win out in the end—that is my hope. At these desperate times, I would like to know: What would Peace Pilgrim say and do?

CHERYL: These are challenging times. Not the first for humanity, to be sure, and faith and trust are essential for any kind of peace. The inherent Truths never change, and when we're in alignment with our inner knowing and spirit there is no question.

I suspect the things that Peace would say are the things she was saying and doing while she was here. What often comes to my mind is something she said close to this: "Everything that is out of harmony contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. With how much destruction is up to us (collectively)." She felt immaturity is what humanity suffers from and that we can mature. Our leaders tend to reflect the collective immaturity, which we have certainly witnessed and are witnessing now.

She warned then that the world situation was - and certainly is - grave. Her words continued to describe what we are currently experiencing: that we walk a knife's edge between complete chaos and a golden age - while strong forces push toward chaos. If we don't push away from chaos "all that we cherish will be destroyed."

What would she do? I believe she would continue to speak for peace and to act for peace. She might participate in peace rally's and peaceful negotiations/communications. She wouldn't participate in anti-war rhetoric or name calling, which only strengthens retaliation and violent acts and speech. She might offer kindness and understanding to others on a personal level. She might demonstrate as well as verbally counsel, "Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth and hatred with love." She would surely continue to see the good in people. Violence and injustice come from fear and greed. She would surely live lovingly and simply. So many things that we know in our inner self is Truth and strength and power. She might say that  we can join each other in thinking and praying and working for peace. "What we dwell upon we help to bring into manifestation."

What I strive for is being a harmonious note in the Divine Orchestra rather than a discordant note.

Thinking, praying and working with you for peace - Peace Be.

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